Study of the Ukrainian Book as Social-Communication Phenomenon During 1917–1920-ies

T. Leontieva


The basic characteristics of the historical period of the beginning of the study of the Ukrainian book as a social-communication phenomenon in Ukraine (at that time – the Ukrainian SSR) in reference to 1917–1920-ies are analyzed. On the example of some publications of the «Knyzhnyk» («Bibliognost»), «Knyha» («Book»), «Knyzhka» («Book») journals, and also taking into account discussions between Ukrainian bibliographers M. Kufaiev and D. Balyka, it was concluded about the genesis of the vision of the Ukrainian book as a social-communication phenomenon in this very period.

It is emphasized that this period was a turning point in the study of many social-communication characteristics of the Ukrainian book. First of all, this concerns the problems of the typological structure of the book market and the auditory factor of the book’s functioning as a social-communication phenomenon. Publications in the «Knyzhnyk» («Bibliognost»), «Knyha» («Book»), «Knyzhka» («Book») journals started a professional discussion on problems of text preparation, publications design and their distribution. Two approaches to studying the Ukrainian book were distinguished: of M. Kufaiev, who believed that the book was a striking expression of the social-communication characteristics of mass communication, and of D. Balyka, who insisted on the need to take into account first and foremost the sociological features of the book’s circulation as a mass communication product.

It is emphasized that the scientific concept of the science of social communications – the study of the book as a social-communication phenomenon – is developing. Most of the provisions of this concept were formed by the theorists of journalism and publishing in the 1920s, and these provisions have considerable theoretical and historiographical value. They can serve as a basis for modern developments in the field of social communication science.

Key words: author, audience, journal, publications, publisher, book, communication, society.


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