Political Socialization of Youth as a Product of Interaction of Value-Mental Attitudes of an Individual and Purposeful Information Influence
The article analyzes the political socialization of youth as a component of general socialization, carried out under the influence of a combination of institutional and personal factors, in particular the influence of the media.
The purpose of the article is to determine the mechanisms of the influence of information and communication technologies on the political socialization of youth based on the analysis of personal and institutional factors of political socialization.
The article used a set of general scientific methods, namely: a logical analysis of scientific achievements and theoretical conclusions on the research problem; comparative method; a systematic approach that allowed revealing the integrity and interconnection of factors and mechanisms of informational impact on the process of political socialization.
It is determined that the value-normative formation of an individual occurs through the implementation of certain social mechanisms, with the help of which the socio-political roles and political activity of individuals as participants in the political process are fixed.
It is revealed that an individual interpretation of the features of cultural interaction in the process of political socialization is of particular importance in the conditions of the modern information society. Through the process of political socialization, the regulation of political practices is ensured. As a result of socialization, value-mental attitudes are consolidated, through the prism of which there is an assessment of the everyday life of the individual, and, accordingly, the perception of the political world.
In fact, building a system of social mechanisms for the influence of the media on the process of political socialization of youth is crucial because it creates the prerequisites for the further development of civil society. At the same time, the fixed social models of political practices, based on the symbolic reproduction of images and values, will ensure at the social level the correspondence of individual needs of an individual with group needs. Accordingly, there will be a reproduction (adjustment) of behavioral practices in accordance with the goals, interests and ideals of the social group that shares certain political values.
Key words: mass media, informational impact, political socialization, political culture, value orientations.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2020.2(42).22
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