The Use of Linguistic and Semiotic Analysis in Media Discourse Studies
The purpose of the study is to update the methodological capacities of linguo-semiotics for the analysis of the media discourse.
Research methodology. In the process of research general scientific methods of generalisation, abstraction and typology, which allowed to systematise the directions of linguo-semiotic analysis in the field of social communications and to outline key approaches to its application, were used. Linguo-semiotic analysis as a special scientific method of research provided an opportunity to reveal the multilayered structure of the «Brexit» concept, to demonstrate its pragmatic dynamics in the media discourse, and to trace the change of semantic layers in subconcepts.
Results. It is stated that the «Brexit» concept is an event-oriented concept that is characterized by a significant speech compression. It is a discourse creating factor in the media space of Great Britain and depending on the stage of a live cycle, gains various connotations, causes different subconcepts that manifest various audience’s expectations. It is defined that the «Brexit» concept differentiates British society into two categories of «Leavers» and «Remainers», each is characterized by its particular rhetoric. It is emphasized that it is differentiated by modality. A semiotic phenomenon of significate reduplication is found out. It is observed in «UK Brexit» and «Brexit Britain» concepts that strengthen the main «Brexit» concept.
Novelty. For the first time, the methodological capacities of linguo-semiotic analysis were used to study event-oriented concepts typical of modern media discourse.
Practical significance. Linguo-semiotic analysis can be used in media-critical studies to productively investigate the influential potential of the latest media concepts. The methodology of the analysis can also enrich the scientific field of social communications.
Key words: media discourse, linguistic and semiotic analysis, media concept, mass media, connotative meanings.
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