The «Dzerkalo Tyzhnia. Ukraine» Weekly as a Social and Cultural Phenomenon: Thematic Range and Semantic Content of Historical and Cultural Information Materials
The aim of the work is a comprehensive study of the thematic range and semantic content of historical and cultural information materials of the Ukrainian press.
Research methodology. The use of methods of classification, typological analysis, historical and document analysis, comparison, generalization, analysis and synthesis, induction, deduction, as well as content analysis made it possible to comprehensively study the subject of research and achieve this goal.
Results. The thematic palette and semantic content of the historical and cultural information materials of the «Dzerkalo Tyzhnia. Ukraine» (Mirror of the Week. Ukraine) weekly (2004–2020) in the context of state-building processes, social-democratic construction were researched. The article highlights the principles on the basis of which the events and facts of historical and cultural issues are presented in the Ukrainian press. The specifics of presenting historical and cultural content through the prism of life and activity of individuals are analyzed. The role of personalization of content in the context of historical and cultural issues is studied.
Novelty. For the first time the article outlines the dynamics of coverage of historical and cultural issues in different periods of the history of independent Ukraine on the basis of the study of the thematic range and content of the Ukrainian media space.
Practical significance. The results of the work can be used for further research of new approaches, principles of media coverage of historical and cultural issues. This, in particular, will make it possible to identify problem points of democratic processes and vectors of social tension, on the basis of which to really develop options for state development strategy, to predict the course of domestic and foreign policy trends and to adjust the mechanisms of civil society formation.
Key words: historical and cultural content, thematic range, content, media space.
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Indexing of the journal in scientometric databases:
The publication is indexed by Citefactor: 2019/2020: 4,54.
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In 2020, the journal was included in the Index Copernicus.
The journal is indexed by Innospace Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF): 2016: 5,899, 2017: 6,435, 2018: 7,037, 2019: 7,431
From 2020, the collection is indexed by ResearchBib.
Journal included in the PKP Index.