Archetypic Symbol as a Structural-Semantic Phenomenon in Modern Media Discourse
The aim of the paper is to analyze the structure and semantics of archetypic symbols in modern media discourse.
Research methodology. The following research methods are used in the article: the historic-philosophical method is used to trace the etymology of the «symbol», «archetype», «archetypic symbol» concepts; structural method, particularly its techniques of definitional analysis helps to clarify the semantic structure of archetypic symbols, and component analysis – to identify their seme structure; descriptive method is applied along with its techniques of contextual analysis and interpretation, on the basis of which the analysis of archetypic symbols, their semantic and structural features in media broadcasting is carried out.
Results. The article highlights the definitions of the symbol, archetype, archetypic symbol, describes their main characteristics, clarifies the principles of correlation between them. The author systematized scientific views on the archetype as collective unconscious and archetypic verbal symbolic image as conscious embodiment of the archetypic meaning in the journalistic text.
As a result of the review of well-known Ukrainian and foreign scholars theoretical heritage, attention is focused on their statements that specificity of archetypic symbolism is marked by system, structure and semantics within a certain context.
Novelty. For the first time the semantics and structure of the archetypic symbol in modern media discourse are studied; it is proved that the functioning of symbols is manifested in the close connection to the semantic content of a word with its archetype, ie with the model formed at the subconscious level. It has been found that archetypic words-symbols are lexemes that become symbolic signs not only for an individual, but also for a large part of humanity. Such word-symbols are marked by similar or identical semantics.
Practical significance. The practical significance of the research findings is that the obtained results can be used by the authors in creating journalistic texts and realizing that symbolism implies many meanings framed by a common idea, so everyone can discover a new meaning in the symbol.
Key words: symbol, archetype, archetypic symbol, semantics, structure, media discourse.
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