Longread: the Specific of Presenting Materials in the Ukrainian Media

T. Vasyliuk


The purpose of the research is to identificate the peculiarities of the construction of the longread in the Ukrainian media.

Research methodology. The research used methods of analysis and synthesis, content analysis, observation, and survey. With the help of content analysis, materials were selected, the content of longreads, primary and secondary documentary elements, which became the basis of longreads, was processed, it was found that most often journalists build longreads as interviews and reports. With the help of an expert survey, the features and prospects for the longread were identified.

Results. The article analyzes the features of the method of presenting multimedia stories in longread format in the Ukrainian media. Attention is focused on journalistic tools for creating a longread, primary and secondary structural elements that fill materials, topics that are most often written in the form of a longread. It has been established that Ukrainian longreads are characterized by entertainment and brightness of content; there is often a tendency to use text, photos, rarely videos and infographics.

A number of longreads from all-Ukrainian media were analyzed and it was concluded that they have different structural elements, such as: slide shows, audio podcasts, videos, background images for each section, active arrows for easy viewing, valid links to additional material. Sound elements create the effect of the presence of the recipient (as in a reportage). Everyone can repost this material to their own profile on social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter.

Novelty. The scientific novelty of this research includes analysis of the following: features of the longreads published on the 1+1, Focus.ua, The Ukrainians web sites; the tools journalists use to create them; the predictions of theorists and practicing journalists about the future development of the longread.

Practical significance. The research results can be used in further study of cross-media, convergent, multimedia and noomedy journalism.

Key words: modified genres, longread, hyperlink, slide show, interactive map.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2020.4(44).8


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