Addiction Formation and Habits Formation as a Result of the Effects of Influence Technologies on Digital Media Users

O. Sytnyk


The purpose of the study is to single out the technologies of media influence on users in terms of expanding and retaining the user audience of digital media on the basis of determining the psychological mechanisms of their implementation.

The research methodology consisted of search and analytical review of sources, vocabulary analysis, and generalization and interpolation of research results to study this problem in terms of network communication.

Results. A review of research has shown that the understanding of the concept of Internet addiction today remains somewhat vague and contradictory (there are still discussions about whether to recognize Internet addiction as a separate behavioral disorder). At the same time, the fact that the formation of this type of dependence, like others, is based on a combination of three factors (biological, individual, and social) makes it impossible to draw conclusions about Internet addiction as a consequence of media influences without a comprehensive diagnosis of the problem. Instead, such influences can shape users’ accustoming to certain activities through Internet technologies, platforms, or services. In this regard, the proposed work distinguishes between the concept of «addiction» (the formation of a constant, obsessive pathological predisposition) and «habituation» (the formation of habit as an automated behavior of users). A number of techniques are used to strategically shape the habits of digital media users, including the use of push messaging technologies, marketing correspondence, operant conditioning techniques, triggers (technological, content, emotional), the use of endless scrolling technology in design and engineering, hyperlink technology and wiki, autoplay video, audio or animation, etc.

Novelty. The problems of Internet addiction in the aspect of media design and formation of digital media are analyzed.

Practical significance. The obtained results are aimed at expanding and deepening theoretical courses in the system of professional training of media industry specialists.

Key words: digital media, internet addiction, influence on user behavior, technological methods of habit formation.


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