Political Efficiency of Personality as an Indicator of the Specificity of its Political Participation and Political Behavior: Sociological Aspect

V. Poltorak, Ya. Zoska, A. Stadnyk


The purpose of the study is to analyze the problems of the essence and indicators of individual political effectiveness, implemented in the processes of political participation and political behavior.

Research methodology. The following methods and approaches were used in the research: system analysis – to analyze the problems of the essence of individual political efficiency; structural and functional analysis – to study the forms of political participation and political behavior of citizens. The empirical basis of the study is the results of the international comparative sociological study «European Social Survey».

Results. The article considers an important and practically unexplored problem in sociology related to the effectiveness of individual political activity of ordinary citizens. Such political efficiency is considered as the correspondence of the results achieved in the process of political activity to the set goals. Various (including conventional and unconventional) forms of political participation and political behavior of citizens are analyzed. The results of sociological research show the greatest effectiveness of political electoral behavior at the level of decision-making regarding voting using the technology of «voice of thought» in contrast to the technologies of «voice of belonging» and «voice of change».

Novelty. It is determined that in the political activity of individuals there are both conventional and unconventional forms of political behavior, while the first, conventional (legal) in modern Ukraine, according to sociological research, are the most effective and it is in them a large number of citizens agree to participate.

Practical significance. The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the possibility of their use to determine the essence and indicators of individual political efficiency, which is realized in the processes of political participation and political behavior of society.

Key words: political participation, political behavior, political efficiency, individual political efficiency.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2020.4(44).20


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