Coverage of the Features of Russia’s Hybrid War Against Ukraine on the Pages of the «Universum» Magazine (1993–2020)
The purpose of the article is to find out the ideological and conceptual principles and forms of exposure on the pages of the publication the peculiarities of the hybrid war of Russia against Ukraine.
Research methodology. The article uses both general scientific research methods and the method of systematic analysis, which allowed to analyze the problem systematically, intent analysis, which contributed to the study of the dynamics of major political events, as well as terminological, axiomatic, structural, historical approaches.
Results. As a result of elaboration of the relevant literature, the meaning of the «hybrid war» concept is clarified, its most important directions are defined, as well as the challenges facing Ukraine in connection with Russia's anti-Ukrainian activities in the context of the hybrid war.
The article analyzes the critical coverage on the pages of the «Universum» magazine (1993-2020) the features of Russia's hybrid war against Ukraine, which the aggressor state combines with the various means to achieve its goals – military, political, diplomatic, economic and more.
Novelty. For the first time, the activities of «Universum» as a magazine-type publication aimed at exposing Russia's anti-Ukrainian hybrid war were studied.
Practical significance. The practical significance of the study results is that the «Universum» magazine for a long time drew attention to Russia's anti-Ukrainian information operations (including hybrid warfare), developed a conceptual model for countering hybrid warfare, and the results of this study can use Ukrainian periodicals, political analysts who stand on state positions.
Key words: «Universum» magazine, hybrid war, information security, Ukrainian-Russian relations, Russian-Ukrainian war.
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PDF (Українська)References
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