Features of the News Category in the Newspaper Text: the Method of Selection and Presentation of Material (on the Example of the «Day» Newspaper)
The purpose of the work. The study is aimed at deepening ideas about the news category in the context of newspaper discourse, clarifying the features of the diverse news presentation in the pages of the «Day» newspaper.
Research methodology. In the course of the research, a descriptive method was used to highlight the theoretical aspects of the topic, in particular, to outline the features of the news category; a comparison method – to determine the ways of presenting news in the «Day» newspaper; methods of synthesis, induction and deduction – to formulate conclusions.
Results. The article analyzes the essential characteristics of the news category on the example of materials of the «Day» newspaper, the peculiarities of the news materials presentation on certain topics, in particular, political, social and cultural news.
Scientific novelty. Comparative analysis of the presentation of political, social and cultural life news will help to deepen ideas about the news category, its main characteristics.
Practical significance. Research materials will contribute to a synthesized understanding of the news category in the context of newspaper discourse. The research results can be used in preparation for classes in the «Journalistic genres» discipline.
Key words: information, news category, «Day» newspaper, journalist, event, journalistic work, text.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2021.1(45).9
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