The Socio-Cultural Factors of a Healthy Lifestyle Development in the Conditions of a Modern Territorial Community

L. Afanasieva, I. Bukrieieva, N. Hlebova, L. Glyns’ka, A. Orlov


The aim of the work is a sociological analysis of the factors of improving the culture of a healthy lifestyle and determining the level of development of sports and health infrastructure, and a system of measures in the territorial communities of the Zaporizhzhia region.

Research methodology. By the method of comparative analysis, the theoretical substantiation of the research structure and the choice of methodology were carried out. The express survey method revealed the level of provision of residents of territorial communities, the level of development of sports and recreation infrastructure. The method of sociological interpretation of the results substantiated a number of factors for increasing the level of development of sports infrastructure and a system of measures to improve the culture of a healthy lifestyle in the territorial communities of the Zaporizhzhia region.

Results. The data of the conducted research indicate significant shifts and intensive development of mass and professional sports, as well as physical culture in the Zaporizhzhia region. The level of provision of sports infrastructure facilities, sports venues at the place of residence, their condition has been established. Insufficient provision of sports infrastructure and low level of conditions for physical education for elderly residents, people with disabilities and vulnerable categories of the population are stated. The necessity of joining efforts of Zaporizhzhia Regional State Administration with interested representatives of socially responsible business and public organizations for the introduction of affordable, high-quality and various forms of sports, rehabilitation and health-improving services for various population groups in accordance with European standards is substantiated.

Novelty. The value of the study lies in the scientific systematization of the social needs of the population of territorial communities and the identification of urgent directions for the implementation of a comprehensive program for the development of the sports infrastructure of the Zaporizhzhia region.

Practical value. The results of the research can be used to further study the social needs of the population and the practical use of the Zaporizhzhia Regional State Administration, by representatives of socially responsible business and public organizations to organize affordable, high-quality and diverse forms of sports, rehabilitation and health services for various groups of the population, creation of employment in the sphere of physical culture and sports and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

Key words: healthy lifestyle, territorial communities, development of sports and recreational infrastructure.


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