Regional-Network Model of Socio-Economic Adaptation of the Border Region Population in Conditions of Institutionalization of Informal Employment

N. Varha


The purpose of the study is to present the sociological conceptualization of socio-cultural determinants of institutionalization of social practices of informal employment.

Research methodology. The methodological support of the research is based on the use of general scientific methods of cognition of social phenomena and processes (analysis, synthesis, typology, modeling, operationalization, interpretation, abstraction, generalization and synergy, as well as methods of network and structural-functional analysis).

Results. It is shown that economic adaptation of the population occurs due to the spread of informal employment, which was formed in the process of transition from command-administrative system to market economic relations as an alternative to formal legal employment institutions due to lack of work positions in the labor market, ineffective state control over the activities of employers, the inefficient system of taxation and the desire of employers to avoid paying burdensome taxes for them, as well as the socio-cultural traditions of reciprocity that have historically developed in society.

Novelty. Informal practices that are a normalized extralegal and illegal (shadow, gray, hidden) set of practical actions, deeds and voluntary (informal) socio-economic relations between the subjects of labor activity.

Practical significance. The results of the study can be used by government officials to regulate the regional labor market.

Key words: border regions, informal employment, labour migration, economic development, self-employment, socio-economic adaptation.


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