Information Policy in the Field of Discrimination and Work With Children in Ukraine
The purpose of the article is to study the information policy in Ukraine regarding discrimination in general and children in particular through legislation and the work of public organizations. Having analyzed the existing norms for today, it is possible to establish their expediency, completeness, shortcomings for their further development and successful implementation, because they are the basis for the creation of a tolerant society.
Research methods. In the course of the research the methods of analysis, synthesis of information were used to study each structural unit of the document and to generalize the obtained conclusions; method comparison was used to identify common and unique features of documents; method of abstraction was used to highlight provisions related to working with children; deductive method was used for summarizing.
Results. The article analyzes the state norms of information policy concerning discrimination of vulnerable groups (including children), the work of the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting, public organizations, and the Commission on Journalism Ethics. The textbooks and manuals for journalists, which are an effective support element in creating tolerant content and working with characters, were also considered. The result of the study can be considered a complete picture of Ukraine’s information policy on discrimination, its coverage, and journalistic work on the topic.
Novelty. Although Ukrainian scholars have paid attention to information policy before, it should be noted that no research on discrimination has been conducted so far. Given the relevance of the topic and the public demand for it, the article for the first time summarizes the existing regulatory framework on this issue.
Practical meaning. Having accumulated information about the normative basis of work with children as a vulnerable group, it is possible to go in the direction of its improvement and full-fledged practical implementation in the work of journalists. The article will serve as a basis for further research in the field.
Key words: information policy, discrimination, journalism, legal framework, children.
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