The Specifics of Digital Activity of the Regional Press
The purpose of the study is to analyze the peculiarities of the adaptation of the regional press to the requirements of digitalization in recent years.
Research methodology. The main method used is a comparative analysis of the media discourse of regional newspapers in the USA, Germany and Ukraine. The countries selection is motivated, first of all, by the leading role played by the United States media on the global press market, and therefore the trends inherent in these information markets, in one way or another manifested in the Ukrainian information environment. According to S. Mikhailov, Germany, like Ukraine, belongs to the European-continental type of journalism and therefore has a vector of development similar to the Ukrainian media system (we will not take into account the political and economic components and take into consideration only conditional typology).
Results. The article is dedicated to the analysis of the specifics of digital activity of the regional press. The result of the study was a systematic analysis of the digital practice of the Nashe Misto, Dnipro Vecherny, and Zorya newspapers, which are currently the leading local newspapers in the Dnipropetrovsk region.
Scientific novelty and practical significance are based on the fact that for the first time the trends identified in the global digital media activity are transferred to Ukrainian realities and given the current state of digital newspaper journalism at the regional level, those problematic aspects are identified that will significantly increase the efficiency of research publications. Among the main problems are the lack of qualified personnel, lack of technological capabilities, the reluctance of advertisers to actively cooperate with online media channels, a lack of clear regulatory policies for digital activities in Ukraine, unwillingness of audiences to pay for online content; lack of skills in working with multimedia formats and the unwillingness of editorial offices to work in 24/7 format.
Key words: digital journalism, local newspapers, online journalism, print media, digital media.
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