The Influence of Social-Spatial Features of the Region on the Reproduction of Social Practices of Youth

Ya. Zoska, D. Matyukhin, A. Stadnyk, O. Vanyushina


The aim of the study. Investigate the specifics of the impact of the social space of the region on the construction of various forms of social practices in the youth environment.

Research methodology.The methodological basis is general scientific methods of cognition of social phenomena and processes, and sociological methods of obtaining empirical data. The following methods were used in the study: logical-historical, structural-functional and comparative analysis  to identify stages of evolutionary development of scientific approaches to the interpretation of the «social practice» concept in sociological science and its modern interpretation.

Results.The conceptual meaning of the «region» concept in the context of formation and reproduction of social practices of local communities is revealed. It is determined that the sociological interpretation of the «region» concept is associated primarily with its spatial essence: 1) in the concepts of the classical sociological period the spatial determinant of the region dominates, with special attention to social characteristics of the region as a territory and social communities in a local environment, the positions and status of individuals in the social space of the region and the integral role of the social space of the region in the formation and reproduction of social practices of the regional community; 2) in modern foreign sociology, the social space of the region is associated with common models of social behavior and social practices, the formation of regional identity.

Novelty. The article improved the definition of the region as a socio-territorial community, ontogenetically localized in the social space, which is characterized by a specific configuration of ethnocultural identities, common economic conditions and social organization, similarity of reproducible social practices, institutionalization of which occurs on condition of the formedness of regional identity of territorial community.

Practical meaning is that the formulated conclusions are valuable for further study of factors and mechanisms of institutionalization of social practices of modern youth in the transformation of Ukrainian society and in the context of regional development.

Key words: social practices, youth, region, social space of the region, regional identity, lifestyle.


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