Regulatory and Legal Support of the Social Services System in Ukraine

H. Koval, V. Smyk


Purpose of the study. The purpose of our article is to determine the features of the introduction of innovations in the social services provision to the population and to clarify the possibilities of regulatory and legal support for the system of social services.

Research methodology. The methodology of our research is a system of scientific principles, forms and methods of research activities, namely, the system of social services provision in Ukraine and its regulatory and legal support.

Results. The article analyzes the current state of the regulatory and legal framework for the system of social services and the strategy for the development of social work in Ukraine; the problems of the evolution of the system of social protection (social services), social policy in relation to the unprotected strata of society, the modern level of innovative social protection of the population, the mechanisms of reforming the system of social services are outlined.

Scientific novelty of the research results: identified steps to modernize the current system for the provision of social services; handled new working methods such as multidisciplinary team, outsourcing services; it was determined that the modernization of the system of providing social services in Ukraine significantly influenced the principles of implementing the country's social policy, obliging to abandon the usual subsidized nature of social security for categories of people who fell into difficult life circumstances.

Practical value. The modernization of the existing infrastructure of the system for the social services provision in Ukraine and its regulatory support provides for the deinstitutionalization of the existing network, since for a significant period of time social facilities and institutions were subordinate to different ministries and departments, which led to the lack of a unified approach to their financing. Thus, expenses for inpatient institutions subordinated to the Ministry of Health are determined by the structure of the population of the corresponding administrative-territorial unit, while expenses for institutions that are under the control of the Ministry of Social Policy and the Ministry of Education and Science are determined by the number of persons staying in these institutions or the number of people receiving services from them.

The research materials will be useful for the training of future social work specialists, because in the article the authors highlight the main state measures in the direction of strategic planning of innovative approaches to improve the efficiency of the provision of social services in Ukraine.

Key words: social policy, phenomena, process, reforming, system, legal provision, welfare state, social services, innovations.


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