Mechanism of adaptation of components of journalism ethics in the professional practice of beginning journalists

B. Synchak


The purpose of the article is to clarify the differences between the theoretical and practical foundations of professional journalistic ethics, which arise at the junction of the processes of mastering the academic approach to the issue and its actual effectiveness in everyday journalism.

Research methodology. The basic research methods are synthesis and analysis, which are used to develop the theoretical and empirical basis, which is demonstrated in tables, figures and listed in the literature.

Research results. An alternative mechanism of adaptation of certain elements of journalistic ethics for students and graduates of the Department of Journalism, who are beginners in practical professional activity, is considered and presented. To outline the parallels and interaction between the theory and practice of journalism, the main textbooks on journalistic ethics are given, in which the manifesto of professional values is demonstrated. The study presents generalized ethical principles of journalism, which reveal the question of what a journalist should and is entitled to. These data are a thesis set of postulates of the mentioned bibliography.

The novelty of the work is that the approach to the study of the adaptation of the ethical component in journalistic practice has not been a field of comprehensive research by domestic scholars over the past five years. The results of the consideration of the ethical component and the issues related to it signal the problems of adaptation of novice journalists in the production environment.

Practical significance. The problem is posed through consideration of the main documents on which the principles of journalistic ethics are based, and a comparison of their key postulates with production problems in practice. The practical significance of the study offers alternative algorithms of action to honestly carry out professional journalistic activities within the modern labor market. This will help to adapt the professional and ethical components and help to avoid false vectors of professional activity. In the article based on separate postulates of the basic journalistic standards concerning the declared problems algorithms of actions according to the theory of journalism are presented.

Key words: journalistic ethics, novice journalists, professional moral standards, ethical values, moral choice, independent media.


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