The Phenomenon of Media Continuum

O. Porpulit


The purpose of the study is to formulate the definition of the concept of «media continuum» in the perspective of social and communication priorities of the XXI century. The realization of the outlined goal led to the formulation and solution of the following tasks: 1) to analyze the semantic content of the terms «media space», «mass media space» and derivatives; 2) to outline the scientific reception of the concepts of «chronotope» and «continuum».

Research methodology. In the course of the research a number of methods were used: the method of analysis – to highlight the essential characteristics of the categories «media space», «mass media space», «chronotope», «continuum»; method of synthesis – to outline the semantic nodes of the interdisciplinary perspective of the study of such categories as «space» and «time»; axiomatic method – to use a number of notions, concepts as fixed axioms and postulates; deduction method – to articulate an integrated vision of the media continuum concept.

Results. Based on research traditions of interpretation of the concept of continuum as a continuous formation in the disciplines of the social communication cycle, given the emphasis of scientists on the fundamental, essential role of new media in modeling and formatting space and time, taking into account the conditionality of everyday position of the individual, who is with others in the same time-space, has the opportunity to control the visual and sound environments within the «electronic system» and, thus, participates in simultaneous and joint work – we consider it appropriate to denote unity, «reunification of space and time» of the latest social communication practices, information and communicative interaction to use the term media continuum as a flexible space-time model of sensory-symbolic reality, which, in turn, is inspired by socio-cultural, information and communication, technological, exterritorial new media.

Novelty. The term «media continuum» is introduced into scientific circulation, structured in accordance with spatial and temporal landmarks and social communication priorities of the present, taking into account the intensification of technological innovations, saturation of social meanings, etc.

Practical significance. Awareness of «reunion of space and time» in modern days, the actualization of the time parameter allows to determine the basic parameters of the professional mediator with and in the format of the media continuum.

Key words: media space, mass media space, chronotope, media continuum.


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