Functioning Peculiarities of Public Telegram-Channels as Cross-Media Platform

I. Tonkikh


The aim of the research is to identify the functioning peculiarities of public Telegram-channels addressed to the mass audience as well as to outline the prospects for their application as a modern cross-media platform in journalistic activities.

Research methodology. The application of such methods as observation, interpretation of data, descriptive technique, typological approach and classification allows to determine the types of public Telegram-channels and characterize their format, functions and features of content, it also helps to clarify the use of these resources in journalistic work and formulate prospects for further development.

Results. It is determined that the Telegram messenger is currently in the process of transformation from a conventional channel of interpersonal communication into a cross-media platform that journalists can use in their professional activities. The issues of functioning of public Telegram-channels are revealed: anonymity of authorship, distribution of fake channels, as well as violation of legal and ethical norms. The functions of journalistic Telegram-channels are defined: informational, communicative, epistemological, cultural and educational, entertaining, expressive as well as a function of social organization. It is established that the most popular among the audience were those Telegram-channels that function as a cross-media platform («TSN Novyny», «», «Hromadske Telebachennia»).

Novelty of the obtained results of the study are an attempt to identify problems and prospects for the application of public Telegram-channels in journalistic activities, to provide recommendations for appropriate content formation of these channels as a cross-media platform, taking into consideration professional standards of journalism.

Practical value. The obtained results can be applied in practical activities of journalists to broaden the range of media platforms and enhance their content quality. It can lead to further research in the sphere of cross-media and be implemented in the educational process in the framework of teaching courses such as «Internet Journalism», «Cross-media» etc.

Key words: cross-media, convergence, Telegram-channel, messenger, social networking site, content, journalism, fake, verification.


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