Promotion of Covid-19 Vaccination in ‘TSN’ TV Program’s Profiles on Instagram and Face-book

N. Semen


The objective of this research is to analyze the special features of the information campaign on Covid-19 vaccination in the ‘TSN’ TV program’s profiles on Instagram and Facebook.

Methods of the research. In the process of the research, we used the method of analysis to characterize the information about the necessity of the Covid-19 vaccination published in the Instagram and Facebook profiles of the «TSN» TV program. The method of analogies and comparison was used to compare the information about Covid-19 vaccination given on the analyzed accounts of the ‘TSN’TV program. The posts related to Covid-19 vaccination published in the Facebook and Instagram profiles of the «TSN» TV program were selected for the research by the method of content analysis. By using the method of generalization we managed to make logical conclusions and characterize the special features of presentation by the «TSN» TV program of the information about the necessity of Covid-19 vaccination in the Facebook and Instagram profiles. 

Results. Having analyzed the Instagram and Facebook profiles of the «TSN» TV program we can assert that the topic of Covid-19 vaccination is not among the top ones. The analyzed accounts are focused on general information and cases rate in different regions of Ukraine while posts about the necessity of Covid-19 vaccination are published quite rarely.

Novelty. Since vaccination is the only possible method to prevent or mitigate the progression of Covid-19 it is important to enhance people’s confidence in vaccination. Nowadays, social networks, Instagram and Facebook in particular, are efficient channels for sharing information among the public about all nuances of vaccination and its effect on the progression of the coronavirus pandemic. In such difficult for humanity times, the media must develop a clear strategy for sharing information about the necessity of the Covid-19 vaccination on these social platforms. To develop the set of such skills it is important to regularly study the methods that the national media use on Instagram and Facebook for the promotion of the necessity of mass vaccination.

Practical relevance. The results obtained can be used in the process of complex research of information campaigns of Ukrainian media on Instagram and Facebook, as well as for the development of a clear strategy of the Ukrainian mass media’s work when sharing information about coronavirus pandemic and Covid-19 vaccination in particular.

Key words: Instagram, Facebook, media, Covid-19, account, post.


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