Components of the Communication Interaction of the TV Channel with the Audience through the Facebook
The purpose of the work is to study the peculiarities of building a strategy of effective interaction between traditional media, including TV channels, and the audience through the tools of the popular social network Facebook.
The research methodology consists in the use of general scientific methods and special methods: analysis, synthesis, logical method, method of visualization of research results. The analytic-synthetic approach allowed us to realize the key tasks of the research on the interaction of the leading Ukrainian TV channels of national broadcasting with their TV audience through the tools of the Facebook platform. The specifics of the study led to the widespread use of comparative analysis, which identifies features and patterns of interaction between traditional and new media based on official statistics and empirical studies of rating TV channels of national broadcasting on the social network Facebook.
Results. The study was conducted in several stages. At the first stage of the study, a list of rated Ukrainian national TV channels was identified. These TV channels are in the TOP-10 according to the leading rating agencies BIG DATA UA and the Television Industry Committee and are represented by the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine. At the next stage, there was monitoring and content analysis of the official Facebook pages of the rating Ukrainian TV channels to determine the average daily number of posts, reactions, reposts and comments.
The scientific novelty of the work is to establish a regularity presentation of TV content on social media. In artical was found that TV channels do not maintain stability in the frequency of posts. The level of audience interest increases by the content and form of posts, rather than by their frequency. The semantic features of posts that contribute to the development of an effective communication strategy are determined. Significant attention of users is attracted by posts of humorous, resonant, congratulatory themes.
Practical significance. The study has both theoretical and applied aspect. Recommendations can be used by broadcasters to build or improve strategies of feedback and interaction with the audience.
Key words: Facebook, television, subscribers, posts, rating.
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