Corporate Media as a Tool for Implementing Information Activities in Business

A. Baranetska


The purpose of the study is to understand the role and capacity of corporate media in the implementation of information activities of business structures with different groups of the public.

Research methodology. During the study of theoretical and methodological base on the peculiarities of corporate media functioning in the modern information space, methods of analysis and synthesis were used; in the process of determining the main directions of information activities in the field of business descriptive method and method of generalization were applied; to reveal the aspects of implementation of business companies information support on practical samples the method of reception was used.

Results. The author characterizes corporate media as one of the basic information and communication tools for providing information support to business structures in the process of interaction with people to meet their information needs. The paper reveals modern tendencies in the organization of this type of communications and describes the forms of their realization actualized by modern technological possibilities. Various ways of information support of business companies through the use of corporate media are presented. The study of basic principles of business information support made it possible to identify the powerful potential of corporate media in contact with various groups (external and internal), in forming and maintaining the image of the organization, its reputational (intangible) capital, in implementation of corporate social responsibility (humanization of business), and also in representation of this type of media as an important component of modern integrated marketing communications.

Novelty. The novelty of the problem is to understand the specifics of the implementation of information activities through the prism of real practices of corporate media business companies. The study also presents corporate media as an information and communication complex tool for multifunctional information needs of stakeholders.

Practical significance. The analysis provides an opportunity to summarize and systematize the main areas of information support through corporate media.

Key words: corporate media (press, media, publications), branded periodicals, image, reputation, information support, information activities (business), data support, integrated marketing communications.


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