The Main Aspects of Cooperation of Information Specialists with News Agencies

V. Berezenko, T. Ivanets


The purpose of the article is to consider the main aspects of cooperation of information specialists working in the information departments of large enterprises, business companies, public administration and local government, with news agencies.

Research methodology. The following methods were used to clarify the main aspects of the cooperation of information specialists with news agencies and to determine its most common types and specific features: analysis, descriptive, classifications and generalizations.

Results. The article focuses on the main aspects of cooperation of information specialists working in the information departments of large enterprises, business companies, public administration and local government, with news agencies. According to the results of the study, the main aspects of cooperation of information specialists working in the information departments of large enterprises, business companies, public administration and local government with news agencies are: meeting the current information needs of modern society, especially the information process in modern conditions of development of information and communication technologies and information and communication culture of subjects of information relations.

The concepts of information process, information need and information culture are revealed and their significance for information and communication activities of information departments of enterprises, organizations, institutions and news agencies is substantiated.

Emphasis is placed on the fact that the formation of the so-called «agenda» by news agencies, ranking news, the ability to receive comments from reputable experts, online versions of news, the convenience of organizing their sites – all this affects the choice of news agencies by users. their role and importance in the development of information processes and the rating of use.

Novelty. The scientific novelty of the study is to identify the main aspects of information and communication activities of information and communication specialists in the context of their cooperation with modern news agencies as the main sources of current news information.

Practical significance. The practical significance of the research results lies in the possibility of their use in the preparation of educational programs on information and communication activities, training of specialists in the field of information and in the development of training and research courses on this issue.

Key words: information, information activity, information agency, information culture, information process, communication.


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