Library Website as a Means of Reporting on International Activities

N. Lebid, N. Romaniuk


The purpose of the study is to identify the features of the means of reporting on international activities of the library on its website. The tasks, respectively, are to analyze the library’s website to determine its type, internal structure, navigation elements; to outline specifics of the media which are the type of content, the usage of links and peculiarities of customer relationship management.

Research methodology. Scientific work was carried out mainly through the use of content analysis as a special scientific method of research in the field of social communications, as well as a number of general scientific methods: analysis, synthesis, induction.

Results. The author’s attention is focused on the research of library website, particularly its means of reporting on the international activities. It was established, that according to the functional aim, website belongs to the information portal. It was found that the home page contains all the standard components required by web communication: header, frame placement of content blocks, site menu, footer. Active links and visualization are its main features.

Information on the priority areas of the library activity is given in the section «About the library». Within the framework of international cooperation, the Hub «Window on America» Zaporizhzhia Window on America & Makerspace abd Hub «Language. Culture. Germany». The context is informative, contains factual evidence of active international cooperation. However, there is no multimedia, active links and interactivity.

The publications from the section «Events» are characterized by interactivity (possibility of commenting, evaluation), active links (internal linking is available).

The library website differs in a full set of media: context, navigation and interactive elements.

Novelty. It was made an attempt to analyze the library website, in particular its media, as well as to highlight the features of their use in reporting on the international activities of the institution.

Practical significance. The results can be used in further researches. Some aspects will be useful for students majoring in «Journalism» and «Information, Library and Archives».

Key words: library website, means of reporting, information portal, international activity, library.


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