The Influence of Social Networks on the Dynamics of Social Conflict
The purpose of the study is to reflect the theoretical aspects of the formation of social conflicts in social networks and show the practical aspects of the implementation of social conflicts in Ukraine.
Research methodology. In the process of preparing the study used methods of critical analysis, systematization, generalization of information.
Results. The article is devoted to the study of social conflicts that arise in social networks on the example of Ukraine. The relevance of the study is due to the growing social conflicts in social networks caused by external challenges, including the pandemic and the escalation of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia. The article identifies the causes of social conflicts in social networks, which include feelings of impunity, ideological unemployment, insufficient literacy, addictive properties of social networks and individualization of information influences. Three methods of aggravation of social conflicts are considered, which include network attacks, use of volunteer users, total blocking. Practical bases of realization of social conflicts in the context of political confrontations, positions concerning vaccination from COVID-19, modern military threats which Ukraine faced are shown.
The scientific novelty of the study is to identify key causes, goals and directions of social conflicts, as well as exacerbated by the lack of modern scientific literature that studies the emergence, deployment and de-escalation of social conflicts in social networks.
The practical significance of the study lies in the use of data in the process of building a system of national information security, as well as methods of combating social conflicts that are exacerbated in social networks. The article will have not only scientific significance, but also social significance, which will allow the population to rethink their own behavior in social networks and to form measures for their own information security.
Key words: social conflicts, social networks, Facebook, information war, COVID-19, elections.
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