Media Representation of Christian Churches in the Context of Modern Ukrainian Society

S. Kozyryatska


The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of representation of Christian churches by Ukrainian mass media in the context of modern Ukrainian society by means of critical analysis of medical discourse.

Research methodology. According to the purpose of the research, a number of such methods was used: observation (to collect primary empirical materials), inductive-deductive (to define and describe the peculiarities of messages on religious topics); comparison, analysis, generalization.

Results. The analysis has showed that in the information space, in the media field, the three denominations – the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU), the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church (UGCC), the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Moscow patriarchate (UOC MP) – are the most represented ones. Mass media reports on these churches are marked by the expansion of the following topics: as for the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church of Ukraine there are not only official materials (like visits of the Pope, of the Ecumenical patriarch, divine services, Christian holidays), information in the context of social doctrine, participation not only in cultural life, but also in socio-political aspects. Reports about these denominations (and their official statements on their own media resources) are aimed at preserving national identity, which is important for Ukrainian society in the context of semantic interventions and attempts to destroy the Ukrainian grand narrative.

Media coverage of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Moscow patriarchate is often marked by conflicts and scandals caused by demonstrative statements and actions that are in the path of the ideology of «Russkiy Mir» («Russian world»), which affects the public position of the church as an institution, in relation to social challenges (pandemic, vaccination), causes negative resonance in society, in social and traditional media.

Novelty is that the main trends in the representation of Christian churches in the secular media and their self-presentation on confessional media resources have been identified.

Practical significance. The results of the research can be used in a comprehensive investigation of religious journalism in Ukraine and as educational material in the training of future journalists.

Key words: media presentation, media space, religious theme, title complex.


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