Signs and Functions of Factoids in Modern Mass Media

O. Kuznetsova


The aim of the study: to improve the detection of factoids, to improve the quality of Ukrainian mass media, to improve counter-propaganda against Russian mass media in the Russian-Ukrainian war to identify signs, effects of factoids of modern Russian propaganda TV channels as a means of disinformation and their manipulative influence on recipients. To provide recommendations for comprehension, identification of facts in the Russian propaganda media, taking into account and adherence to international journalistic ethical principles and international law.

Research methodology. The method of content analysis of propaganda materials for the presence of factoids had been used. A descriptive method helped to reproduce the signs and effects of factoids to identify them in the propaganda textual content of Russian television and other media, to differentiate signs and effects of factoids on the audience.

Results. With the help of the obtained data it became possible to determine the signs of factoids in the Russian media during the Russian-Ukrainian war, to establish the effects on media audiences, to develop basic rules for detecting factoids in the media and make recommendations to journalists.

Novelty. For the first time the signs, effects of discrediting Ukraine content of Russian propaganda media, negative disinformation, manipulative influence in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war of facts of modern Russian propaganda, had been separated. The main purpose of the factoids had been determined: disorientation, manipulation of Ukrainian citizens' opinion to change their world outlook, destruction of values, forming of distrust and contempt for the Ukrainian state and its military formations in minds of Russian recipients.

Key words:, signs, functions of factoids, critical perception of Russian mass media propaganda, counter-propaganda, information war.


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