Thematic Aspect of Service-Expert Programs in Ukrainian Television Space (Empirical Dimension)
The purpose of the article is to explore the thematic aspect of service-expert programs in the Ukrainian television space, empirically determining the thematic priorities of television viewers.
Research methodology. The research used methods of analysis, synthesis, abstraction and generalization, descriptive method, as well as a sociological survey of television viewers, which was conducted by correspondence mass questionnaire in electronic (written) form through Google tools.
Results. An all-Ukrainian sociological online survey among television viewers was conducted, as a result of which the most popular thematic categories of service-expert programs of own production and production by special order of highly rated nation-wide TV channels were revealed. It was found that the «Travel» thematic category is a priority for viewers (more than 90%). The second-best are such thematic categories as: «Housing Arrangement», «Psychology of Relationships»; «Medicine and Health», «Cooking» (over 60%). In the third place are such thematic categories as: «Housekeeping», «Beauty», «Fashion and Style», «Service Sphere» (about 50%). Such indicators allows to make an assumption that they correlate with the hierarchy of needs offered by A. Maslow, as the top of the ranking is occupied by travel shows in the «Travel» category, in the plot composition of which all five motivational needs are holistically combined.
Novelty. For the first time at the empirical level the thematic aspect of service-expert programs of own production and production by special order of highly rated nation-wide television broadcasters is studied.
Practical meaning. The results of the study can be used in the practice of television production of service-expert programs, in particular taken into account in the development of concepts and plots of programs.
Key words: service-expert programs, Ukrainian television, thematic aspect, thematic categories.
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