Manipulative Technologies in V. Zelenskyy's Inaugural Address
Research purpose – to analyze V. Zelensky’s inaugural address to identify technologies of hidden influence on mass consciousness.
Research methodology. In the article, we applied methods of linguistic analysis of the text, synthesis and also descriptive and structural-semiotic ones.
Results. Inaugural addresses are an integral part of political activities of state leaders. Such texts aim to the image building of a new manager and stand out by methods of a potential influence on mass consciousness. In the research, the essence and specificities of an inaugural address as a separate genre of political speech are described. It has been discovered that the technologies of manipulation involved in the inaugural address of the President of Ukraine V. Zelensky are based on the actualization of archetypes, the use of automatisms, mechanisms of social control, the appeal to the values and emotions of the audience. We have proved the complex nature of the mechanisms of the latent influence. Among those mechanisms, image building of the head of state has been a key one. There is a characteristic of revealed techniques: use of with contrast, «transferring a positive image», «anchoring technique», truisms, «just like the rest of us», etc.
Novelty. The presented classifications of manipulative technologies are analyzed and the complex analysis of the techniques of the latent influence used in V. Zelensky’s inaugural address is filed. These latter are specific psychological techniques embodied in the text through the linguistic means.
Practical implications. The results of our research illustrate an indicative application scheme for manipulative technologies, that can be adopted as a basis of new political speeches. The article indicates the potential of linguistic expressive means combined successfully with psychological and other methods of influence and can become an example of a rational approach to political communication for understanding the meaning of a particular text.
Key words: political communication, inaugural address, manipulation, classification, technology.
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