Online Сommunication Tools System for Building a Personal Brand of the Company’s HR Di-rector
The aim of our study is to analyze the essence and structure of the online communication tools system for building the personal brand of the company’s HR director. For this purpose, the main tasks included: a review of the source base devoted to the essence of online communication tools and also to determine the structure of the modern online communication tools system for building a personal brand of the company’s HR director; definition of the current structure of online communication tools system for building a personal brand of the company’s HR director.
Research methodology. To study the essence and structure of online communication tools system for building a personal brand of the company’s HR director, research methods such as observation, analysis, synthesis, reception, generalization, description, as well as a systematic approach were use.
Results. The article shows the concept of online communication tools, as well as outlines their main properties. The main interpretive approaches of Ukrainian and foreign scientists are revealed, in which the structure of online communication tools system for building a personal brand. It is proved that today the online communication tools system for building a personal brand of the company’s HR director consists of: tools that are covered by the phenomenon of the blogosphere (blogs, microblogs); social networks (informal social networks; business social networks; corporate social networks; special social networks; forum type of social networks); media hosting (web platforms; audio podcast platforms); online messengers.
The scientific novelty of the results obtained consists in identifying the most relevant and frequently used online communication tools system for building a personal brand of the company’s HR director.
Practical significance. The results of the study are of practical importance since it contains propositions and recommendations that may be useful for the company’s HR director, as well as other media persons who wish to build their personal brand.
Key words: blog, communication tools, media hosting, online communication, online messenger, personal brand, social network.
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