Spindoctoring as a Tool of Modern Political Technology
The purpose of the article is to describe the concept of "spindoctoring" in the field of information communication; to study the application of this modern political technology as an instrument of state interests during the Russian war against Ukraine.
Research methodology. A set of methods has been used in the course of scientific development. The research of spindoctoring as a modern political technology has been carried out on the basis of analysis and systematization of the works of the scientific community. The collected facts have been synthesized by means of monitoring and content analysis; the obtained data have been systematized and interpreted.
Results. Based on the study of the scientific developments the approaches to the modern understanding of the category of spindoctoring as a relevant political technology have been updated and 7 of its main practices have been identified. They include: detention of «bad» information (is published much later in time); ambiguous information (when a message with a positive value may be superimposed on an extremely negative message); distracting attention or dissipation of focus of the audience; parallel increase of "beneficial" toxicity (when negative actions, deeds, etc. of one party can be an excuse in the information field of world public opinion for the existence of such); reinterpretation of one's own negative situation; interspersing of natural elements into artificially created situations; isolation of the opponent.
Novelty. The article describes the peculiarities of the use of spindoctoring on the material of the official social media pages. The analysis and description of the examples of application of this technology in the interests of the state during the war of Russia against Ukraine has been carried out of studying the technology of evaluation and interpretation of information in modern.
Practical significance. The results of the scientific observations can be used in the process political and public space.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2022.2(50).16
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