Semantic-Cognitive Nature of the Conceptualized the Comcept of Displaced Person in Media Text (on the Example of the Newspaper «Free Life Plus»)

T. Vilchynska, O. Vilchynskyi


The purpose of the article was to find out the semantic-cognitive the nature of the conceptualized concept to denote a person forced change their place of residence in 2014 and 2022 due to a threat to their own life in connection with the hostilities in Ukraine.

Recearch methodology. The method of conceptual analysis was used as the main one, which involves identifying different semantic features of the concept, features of its verbalization, mental field and combines different techniques and techniques.

Results. The analysis showed that this concept, implemented in the regional edition, is polysemantic, cognitively multifaceted, evaluatively marked. In the studied media texts, it is characterized by an extensive system of names and significantly expands its semantics, primarily by indicating the direction and causes of resettlement, the need for social and legal support for displaced persons, their expectations in the future and more.

Novelty. The article for the first time implements a cognitive approach to the analysis of materials about migrants, widely presented in the Ternopil newspaper "Free life plus" for 2014, 2022.

Practical significance. Study of the semantic-cognitive nature of the conceptualized concept displaced person is important when developing recommendations for tolerant communications on refugee issues at the state, media and the public, as well as in analytical activities related to security information security in Ukraine.

Key words: relocated person, displaced person, refugee, conceptualized concept, media text, «Free life plus».


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