Metaphorical Transfers in the Azerbaijani and English Languages in Publicistic Texts

Husniyya Tanriverdiyeva


The purpose of the study is to identify current trends in metaphorical transfers in publicistic texts in Azerbaijani and English languages.

Research methodology. In the course of the research, during the elaboration of the theoretical achievements of scholars the methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization were used; the method of comparison was used for identification of common and different in journalistic texts in Azerbaijani and English. The study is based on the theory of cognitive linguistics, according to which transfers are both linguistic and philosophical acts.

Results. The article deals with metaphorical transfers in Azerbaijani and English. They apply to all people, regardless of their race or nationality. Linguistic sources of the outlined subject are analyzed. Human consciousness is able to maintain an infinite system of associations. As a rule, the conceptualization of different branches of knowledge based on metaphorical transfer is based on logical-syntactic and semantic frameworks of language. Metaphorical transfers, according to the theory of cognitive linguistics, are both linguistic and philosophical actions. The rationale for such provisions is presented in Western linguistics, modern research has confirmed that metaphorization is the result of intellectual activity, and its manifestation is the structure of the language. As for the human imagination, which usually has infinite limits, it is able to create the most complex cognitive models. These models of transfer, which are part of cultural thinking, are expressed through language. At the same time, people share the same cognitive models because they have similar life experiences. The article shows that metaphorical transfers in Azerbaijani and English languages are practically indistinguishable or have slight variations.

Novelty. It is demonstrated by concrete examples that in the minds of all people there is a common metaphorical model and that forms of expression change depending on the interlocutors.

Practical importance. The results obtained may be of interest to media language researchers and lecturers of philology and journalism.

Key words: English language, Azerbaijani language, cognitive linguistics, metaphorical transfer, publicistic text.


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