Analysis of Modern Media Measurement Methods
Purpose. Generalization and structuring of data regarding the methodology of media measurements, analysis of the results of actual media measurements conducted in Ukraine, identification of dynamics and modern trends of media consumption.
Research methodology. In the course of the study, the method of system analysis was used to generalize the methods of sociological research of the mass media; the method of statistical analysis is applied to reproduce certain characteristics of the audience on an imaginary model that reflects its various aspects; the method of structural-functional analysis was used to determine the structure of the audience and studies of the function of the media in relation to the integration of society.
Results. The audience of mass communication media is considered as a stable group of people who have common informational needs. A review of media audience research was carried out in the main areas: audience measurement, studying the relationship of the media audience to the products produced by them and the dynamics of audience preferences, studying the impact of the media on the audience. The main quantitative methods of mediametry were analyzed: diary panels; survey panels, such as personal interviews, telephone, self-administered, online surveys; panels built according to the principle of electronic scanning – peoplemeters, radiometers, radio control. Considered a classification of the types of audience measurement, namely: technical means of recording, diaries or self-reports, telephone surveys, questionnaires or personal interviews. Such stages of media research as processing of received information and determination of mediametric indicators are analyzed. The main stages of the development of television audience measurements in Ukraine are considered. The main indicators characterizing the radio audience are highlighted: frequency of listening for the last week, average rating for 15 minutes of broadcast in thousands of people (AQH) or percentage (AQH%), average weekly or average monthly coverage of stations. The indicators of the measurement of the audience of print media – coverage and socio-demographic profile of readers are considered. The results of audience research conducted by the Kantar Ukraine research company, the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology, and the Nielsen Media Ukraine company were analyzed. The methodological features of Internet audience research are indicated. The results of Internet media measurement were analyzed by the operators of research markets AC Nielsen, ComScore, Mediametrie, TNS, Factum Group, which includes the companies InMind and Gemius.
Novelty. The article summarizes and structures the data on the methodology of media measurements, reveals the dynamics and modern trends of media consumption.
Practical meaning. The results of the study can be used to improve the methods of measuring media consumption, comparative analysis of the results of media studies conducted in Ukraine and countries around the world.
Key words: audience measurement, mediametric studies, media measurement methodologies, structuring of current data, diary panels.
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