Media and War: the Role and Place of Russian Media in Russian Armed Aggression Against Ukraine
The purpose of the research is to determine the specifics of the role and place of the Russian mass media in the implementation of the aggressive policy of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.
Research methodology. To achieve the goal, the following methods were used: monitoring, grouping of disparate data, analysis, synthesis, comparison – to determine the peculiarities of the formation of the media space of the Russian Federation and their impact on the place and role of mass media in the implementation of state policy; expert and content analysis – to determine the characteristic features of Russian mass media materials and their current orientation; generalization – to form conclusions regarding the use of media as a tool of criminal power.
The results. The impact of the peculiarities of the formation of the modern media space of the Russian Federation on the role and place of the mass media in the implementation of the policy of the ruling elite is determined; summarizes the picture of the participation of the Russian mass media first in the hybrid war against Ukraine, and then during the open armed invasion by the aggressor country. The available facts make it possible to unequivocally specify the place of the mass media in the structure of today's social and political structure of the Russian Federation not as a public institution, but on the contrary – as an important component of the implementation of the criminal plans of the leadership of the aggressor country. At the current stage, the Russian mass media are considered and used by the authorities as a mechanism for the implementation of the aggressive plans of the Kremlin regarding independent Ukraine.
Novelty. In determining the peculiarities of the practice of transforming the social institution of the mass media into a transmission mechanism of the government’s decisions and using it as a tool for the implementation of its criminal foreign policy.
The practical significance lies in the fact that the obtained results can be used for further scientific investigations of the problems of media functioning in the conditions of modern armed conflicts and wars.
Key words: media, power, paternalism, hybrid war, aggressor country.
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