«Vasyl Sharvan’s Ukrainian Daily Radio Hour» is the World’s longest Success Story of a Ukrainian Radio Project in Exile

T. Hyrina


The purpose of the article is to include in the constellation of world radio producers and activists of the Ukrainian media business in the world dimension named after V. Sharvan, in terms of the formation of Ukrainian radio hours in the radio space of North America in the second half of the twentieth century.

Research methodology. The methodological complex of intelligence is based on the use of historical, bibliographic and descriptive method, monitoring of digitized archival sources of periodicals of the relevant period, clipping and quality content analysis using general scientific methods of data analysis, monitoring the development of Ukrainian broadcasting abroad and abroad.

Results. As a result of the research, the contribution to the development of world Ukrainian-language radio broadcasting was established. coverage and generations of regular listeners.

The thematic direction of the radio program in terms of its political, spiritual, entertainment, advertising, music topics is outlined, the managerial abilities of the researched radio producer are described in terms of selection and functioning of the radio program AMOUNT, LAYER.

V. Sharvan’s contribution to the development of the world Ukrainian-language radio space of the second half of the XX century is comprehended. and the role of the individual in the process of institutionalization of Ukrainian radio hours in the media space of other countries is emphasized.

Novelty. For the first time in the scientific discourse, the thematic range, the content polyphony of the «Ukrainian Daily Radio Hour of Vasyl Sharvan» was thoroughly comprehended and the contribution of its founder to the formation of the Ukrainian emigration community in North America was generalized.

The practical significance of the results of the study lies in the introduction to the popular science journalism, scientific discourse documented in the modern press evidence of the organization, published in 1951–1994 «Ukrainian Daily Radio Hour of Vasyl Sharvan» in the context of the world Ukrainian-language broadcasting in the twentieth century.

Key words: radio presenter, radio manager, world Ukrainian radio broadcasting, Ukrainian radio hour, Ukrainian-language radio, daily radio program.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2022.3(51).4


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