Blog and Podcast as a Development of Professional Activity of a Commentator and Columnist of Radio and TV

O. Hotsur


The purpose of the article is to determine the trends in the professional development of radio and television observers and commentators in the context of the use of Internet communication resources and tools, in particular blogs and podcasts.

Research methodology. In the analysis of the outlined topic, social communication, social information communication and axiological approaches are used, methods of content analysis, synthesis and generalization are the main methods that were used in the process of scientific research.

Results. A blog and a podcast in the modern conditions of the development of the information space (the global importance of Internet technologies, covid-19, informational and social upheavals caused by a full-scale war in Ukraine) are an effective way to develop the professional activity of a Ukrainian commentator and broadcaster reviewer. This is an opportunity not only to preserve one’s audience in the conditions of the current crisis and military Russian aggression against Ukraine, to monetize one’s work in social networks, but also to use one’s professional journalistic skills, to improve journalistic skills in other media niches.

Novelty. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the use of various theoretical and methodological approaches to understanding the nature of blogs and podcasts as media platforms for realizing the creative potential of commentators and reviewers of television and radio broadcasting, the latest means of communication with a modern audience.

Practical significance. The practical significance of the results is determined by the growing role of Internet media in society as a means of communication in a global crisis time (covid-19 and the war in the center of Europe) and in the formation of new trends in the journalistic environment, which makes it possible to use research materials in the process of analyzing specific aspects of journalistic skill in order to reveal new aspects of the creative personality of the commentator and reviewer of television and radio broadcasting.

Key words: podcast, blog, commentator, columnist, broadcast, subscribers, online media, audience, content, social networks.


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