Crisis as a Threat and as an Opportunity: an Ambivalent Aspect
The purpose of the article is to study the crisis as a threat and as an opportunity using the example of the global pandemic crisis of the new coronavirus disease COVID-19.
Research methodology. To achieve the stated purpose, the following general scientific research methods were used: theoretical analysis, functional analysis, the method of expert evaluations, and analysis of scientific works. Within this research, in order to conduct an expert evaluation of the crisis communications of government bodies during the pandemic crisis, we conducted a survey of experts who were included in three groups, namely: specialists who carried out their activities in the communications of government bodies; journalists who covered events related to the COVID-19 pandemic and followed the communication steps of representatives of public authorities, as well as employees responsible for communication who worked in non-governmental institutions.
Results. By its nature, any crisis is ambivalent, it can carry a threat (that is, for an individual who is in a critical situation, a feeling of hopelessness and helplessness is characteristic, which can have a destructive aspect; it can carry the threat of social maladjustment and thereby negatively affect further overcoming the crisis), as well as an opportunity (due to the fact that a crisis is not only a “threat of disaster”, but also an opportunity for change, transition to a new level of personal development, a source of strength).
This article is an attempt to define the crisis as a threat and as an opportunity on the basis of the global crisis, that is the COVID-19 pandemic, which radically changed citizens’ lives of almost all world countries and led to the death of millions of people.
The crisis outlined in our study leads to increased tension and anxiety in society and contributes to the fact that actors have the opportunity to ignite new conflicts, which increases the threat of destabilization of the state, or to create new opportunities.
In addition, it was during the pandemic crisis when Ukraine became the object of a new wave of informational influences. As an example, we can cite the artificially inflamed situation in Novi Sanzhary urban-type settlement, Poltava Oblast (province), in February 2020, where Ukrainian citizens were placed for observation for the first time after their return from China, where, according to official data, the pandemic began.
Practical importance. The findings obtained during the research will expand the perception of the crisis as a threat and as an opportunity, and the obtained results can be used in scientific and educational practice.
Key words: crisis, threat, opportunity, COVID-19 pandemic, government bodies, crisis communication.
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