Communication Interaction between the University Library and Students

A. Petrushka


The article aims to establish the level of communication interaction between the university library and students using social media.

The research methodology includes the survey, analysis, synthesis, statistical, comparison, grouping, generalization, descriptive, and visualization methods. The purpose of an online survey was to obtain data on the peculiarities of using social media in the university library by students of Lviv Polytechnic. The statistical method was used to evaluate and generalize the survey data. Compared with other specialties, the comparison method was used to determine the peculiarities of the communication interaction of students of the specialty "Information, library and archival affairs" and the Sci entific Library of the Lviv Polytechnic. The method of generalization and grouping was used to develop an array of respondents' recommendations regarding the desired content of library pages on social media. The descriptive and visualization methods were used to present and visualize the obtained research results.

Results. The analysis of an online survey of 245 students of the Lviv Polytechnic of 53 specialties made it possible to establish the basic mechanisms of communication interaction with the university library using its social media. A comparison of the mechanisms of communication interaction of students majoring in IBAS and other majors did not reveal any significant differences but showed a low level of involvement of students in the information space of the university library.

The novelty of the obtained research results lies in determining the features of the communication interaction between the university library and students of the IBAS specialty compared to students of other specialties.

Practical meaning. The obtained results can be used to adjust the media strategy of academic libraries and to establish communication interaction between the library and graduate departments.

Key words: social media, university library, target audience, students, content.


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