Propaganda and Media Reality as Instruments of Conducting Information Warfare: Local Dimension

K. But


The purpose of the study is to to consider the local dimension of propaganda as a component of media reality in modern public discourse and to clarify its functions and role in conducting information warfare.

Research methodology. The following methods were used in the research process: systematization, analysis and synthesis, comparison.

Results. The analyzed source base reveals that the toolkit for constructing media reality in Russian propaganda materials includes the following elements: stereotypes, framing, selection method, manipulation of opinions, use of conflicts, storytelling, use of actions/actors, emphasis on violation of norms, propaganda methods, preferences, genre specificity, reporting elements, visual tools, etc. The study indicates that, unfortunately, there are many elements of Russian propaganda in the modern local dimension of media discourse. On the one hand, the messages of these propaganda materials are aimed at an audience with a lack of critical thinking and a low level of media literacy. However, the toxic content in the distribution of such messages in the temporarily occupied territories of the Zaporizhzhia region is also realized to a wider audience, since the residents of these cities and villages have no or almost no access to Ukrainian sources of information, have unstable communication, and are in an information vacuum. All these are favorable conditions for the effective spread of Russian messages in the minds of our fellow citizens.

Practical significance. The results of the research can be used during courses related to the topics of propaganda, construction of media reality, modern history of Ukraine, journalism and social communications, in particular, for the specialties «Journalism», «Advertising and public relations», «Information business». In addition, they can be used as materials of informational and educational significance, a source base for further scientific and practical developments, as well as in the work of media workers to counter enemy propaganda in conditions of information warfare. Equally important is that they can form the basis of the formation of Ukraine’s strategic narrative.

Key words: propaganda, media reality, fakes, narratives, information war, media literacy, key messages, temporarily occupied territories of Zaporizhzhia region, manipulation, fact-checking.


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