News Journalism in the Information Society
The purpose of the work is to highlight the theoretical aspects and features of the development of news journalism in the conditions of the information society.
Research methodology. The research is based on informational, axiological, cultural, systemic, activity approaches. The following methods were used: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, generalization – to determine the peculiarities of the development of news journalism in the conditions of the information society.
Results. The article analyzes the mode of understanding the category of news in the journalism of the new formation. The main tendencies of news journalism in different types of mass media are considered. It is emphasized that texts of different types of mass media are used for various purposes – the text can have verbal features if it is written for a newspaper; acoustic character – for radio; combine acoustic and visual features to create text for television news. This is due to the fact that journalistic texts have absorbed standards and features, evolving from texts for newspapers to texts for television. It is determined that news texts in different types of media have both common and different features depending on the technical capabilities and functions of the media, and journalistic texts have formed their stylistic and speech specifics, which are used in the production of news texts, which are mutually distributed between different types of mass media.
Novelty. It was determined that the network news text acts not only as a means of informing the readership, but also influences its worldview, forming public opinion through the selection of information, commenting, and even through the sequence of news presentation.
Practical significance. The results of the study can be used in practical media activities and in the process of studying professionally oriented courses of the specialty «Journalism».
Key words: information, information society, news journalism, news.
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