Radio Operation in the Period of Nature Challenges and Disasters

V. Kostiuk, Y. Kostiuk, O. Usmanova


Article’s purpose to identify the conditions of radio’s operation in time of nature challenges and disasters.

Research methodology. Include the analysis scientific-sources base on a se- lect question, monitoring, synthesis. For identifying the features of practical operation radio in period of disasters, we created information request to editions, which included such questions as: how did broadcast change in period of Covid, what kind of correction had journalists members, how did Covid influence on commercial of broadcast?

Results. When the nature disasters bring global threats to society, medias get start to play new role – an element, which helps people in the fight with that cataclysms. They try to give the audience emergence, operative information services, work as a communication channel between civilians and government organisations. Beyond this, the work of audiovisual speakers characterise such options: the work and home has the same location; the word, aired by journalist, has the same value as a medicines; deejay use to works as a psychologist – talk to the audience calm and fluent about the questions, concerning them, do not leave them alone with the problem. Also, we emphasis, that changed the content of advertising: housing, jewellery and car’s moved to the second stair, but medicines, product and thing delivering, techno equipments became in main focus of radio’s commercial.

Novelty. Unique thesis of functioning abilities of the radio in the period of the pandemic.

The practical significance. The research results can be used during the further study of journalists in the hard period of life: nature challenges, blackouts, even the war.

Key words: radio, emergency situation, Covid-19, radio’s audience.


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