Data Visualization in Project Activities
The purpose of the study is to highlight the role and ways of visualization in project activities.
Research methodology. During the study of theoretical and methodological base on the issue of visual transformation of information, methods of analysis and synthesis were used; in the process of considering the ways of applying the visual/infographic component in the project activity, the descriptive method and method of generalization were involved; the studying of aspects of visual component implementation in modern practices was carried out with the help of method of reception
The results. The current study is focused on the comprehension of phenomenon of visualization and infographic instruments in project activities. Today, the visual organization of an information message is recognized as a powerful component in establishing interaction with external and internal groups of the public. It is noted that this way of data interpretation contributes to a better perception and memorization of the relevant meanings by the recipients. It is emphasized that this approach to publicizing information is a powerful factor in promotion of any projects. The algorithm of visual reproduction of the material is characterized as a simplified form of its presentation, which contains the result of an in-depth content analysis. The variety of infographic types of data transcoding is noted. Attention is focused on such ways of visual communication as storytelling/longread and timeline, which take special place according to the principles of information representation.
The novelty of the research consists in the representation of visual/infographic component as a multifunctional phenomenon, which contributes to projects realization at various levels of their implementation, in particular: during the formation of company identification components, the actual presentation of the idea itself and the process of its implementation at the level of each stage.
The practical significance of the research is revealed in the representation of the algorithm and variations of visual/infographic component application in modern project practices.
Keywords: visual communication, data visualization, infographics, project activity, storytelling/longread, timeline, information and communication activity.
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