O. Shevchenko, V. Sprynsyan


The purpose of the study is to substantiate the ways to improve the news content quality of Ukrainian public broadcasters as convergent mass media; to justify the comparative analysis criteria for the news programs content of Ukrainian and international public broadcasters (Public:UA, BBC) and commercial channels (TSN 1+1, Vikna STB, CNN).

Research methodology. To achieve the goal, the following general scientific research methods were used: analysis of literature and sources – to study scientific sources and literature; retrospective analysis – to study news journalism; comparative analysis – to compare news programs of Ukrainian and international convergent media; infographics – to visualize the results of multi-criteria analysis; content analysis – to find out the specifics of the news programs content; generalization – to form research conclusions.

The source base of the study consisted of scientific works in the field of journalism and editing; the content of the news programs selection: public broadcasters (Public:UA, BBC) and commercial channels (TSN 1+1, Vikna STB, CNN); scientific literature and Internet sources on the research topic; regulatory-legislative documents governing mass media; standards of journalistic ethics.

Results. Issues of regional news journalism are raised, the ideological and manipulative potentials of news journalism are analyzed, especially the possibility of covering hidden content in news journalism, news production is described; ways of improving the quality of news programs of Ukrainian and international television news programs are formulated; a general description of the news programs selection is provided.

Novelty. The world trends of the news programs progress are described: globalization of mass media flows, orientation towards mass culture, as well as informatization, monopolization, cooperation, concentration, coordination, and commercialization of mass media activities.

Practical significance. The results of the study initiate work on improving news programs of Ukrainian mass media.

Key words: news journalism, media systems of the world, news programs, television.


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