The purpose of the study is to represent communication tools for the development of a branding strategy for a medical institution in social networks.
Research methodology. To understand the phenomenon of branding, methods of analysis and synthesis, and descriptive method were used; ascertainment of the specifics of medical institutions branding required the use of monitoring, content analysis, comparison and survey methods.
Results. The trends and specifics of branding in the medical field («medical marketing»/«medical services marketing») were represented. Modern ways of updating content for information and communication interaction with the audience of a medical institution, in particular a maternity hospital, were described. The dominant communication tools for establishing contact with clients through social networks were characterized, in particular: video stories about the institution and its employees; materials with expert comments of specialists (doctors); live broadcasts with medical workers of the institution. The designed and implemented concept of content strategy in social networks for the maternity hospital number 9 of Zaporizhzhia was presented. The main components of corporate style and their implementation on the pages of the «Ninth» in social networks were revealed. As a result of the conducted online survey, a high assessment of the quality of the page information content on the Instagram platform was observed. It was found that the basic share of the target audience of the maternity hospital pages in social networks is pregnant women and women who have given birth, and therefore, in order to expand the circle of interested people, it is necessary to increase the percentage of content for those who are at the stage of pregnancy planning.
Novelty of the research consists in studying the specifics of branding such a type of medical institution as a maternity hospital; formation and implementation of the content strategy concept for organizing its pages in social networks, as well as studying the effectiveness of their content for information and communication interaction with the target audience.
Practical significance. The conducted research contributed to the generalization of the main areas of information support for clients of medical institutions, in particular the regional maternity hospital, as well as to the identification of dominant trends in the development and implementation of the concept and content strategy of pages in social networks of such institutions.
Key words: brand, branding, medical branding, medical marketing, marketing of medical services, content strategy, social networks, information and communication interaction.
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