The purpose of the article is to study the goals, models, and directions of wartime PR communications that have been existing in the information space of Ukraine in the period since February 24, 2022, to the current time and reflecting the presence of public relations of various state and non-governmental institutions and organizations.
Research methodology. To find out the main goal, models, and directions of wartime PR communications in the information space of Ukraine as a reflection of public relations of state and non-governmental institutions and organizations, the following methods were used: analysis, description, classification and generalization.
Results. The article focuses on the role of the most effective and most relevant models of PR communication with target audiences during military operations in Ukraine.
It is emphasized that all models of PR communication, which were once formed by J. Gruning and T. Hunt (press agency model, public information model, bilateral asymmetrical model, and bilateral symmetrical model) are relevant and effective during the crisis caused by the war in Ukraine. Their use is a condition for preserving the unity of the nation, a condition for transparent relations between the government and society, between business and society, between civil society institutions and all state and non-governmental structures and citizens of Ukraine. These models help to identify certain phenomena in the practice of public relations, the basis of which is communication as a dynamic process of information exchange.
It is noted that PR communications become the tool that allows the creation of a unified field of interconnected information, which is supported by feedback necessary for the survival of the country.
The concept of public relations as an effective social and communication technology, which provides dialogue forms of interaction between different social groups during such a crisis situation as military aggression, is revealed. The role of PR communication in the shaping of information and psychological security of a state's citizens in wartime is defined. The conditions for using PR models during the specified crisis are outlined.
Novelty. The scientific novelty of the study consists in determining the main goal, models and directions of wartime PR communications that have been existing in the information space of Ukraine in the period since February 24, 2022, to the current time and reflecting the presence of public relations of various state and non-state institutions and organizations.
Practical meaning. The practical significance of the research results lies in the possibility of their use during the preparation of public relations educational programs, the training of specialists in the field of public relations, and the development of educational and scientific courses on the specified problem.
Key words: PR, information space, PR communication, models of PR communication, state institutions, non-governmental institutions, information and psychological security.
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