O. Holik, D. Fayvishenko


The purpose of the study is to define the features of various stylistic and syntactic figures and tropes usage in the advertising communication of the new media reality.

Research methodology. Descriptive and comparativist methods were used during the work with the theoretical and methodological base on the peculiarities of various stylistic and syntactic figures and tropes usage in the advertising communication; when monitoring advertising texts in the Ukrainian information space during the period of military aggression, the grouping, comparative, and systematic method were used.

Results. The new media reality, having experienced the challenges of information aggression, is undergoing a powerful activation of internal and external resources, and advertising communication is no exception. The advertising text’s stylistics acquires a new dimension of clarity, expressiveness, dynamism, and comedy, which allows the advertising appeal to achieve a longer communication effect. The successful use of stylistic figures and tropes makes it possible to consider advertising communication as a serious tool of information countermeasures in the external and internal arena, which allows forming a positive reputation and image of the state, organization, company, etc. The power of the communication effect of advertising communication is enhanced if a range of stylistic and syntactic figures and tropes are used in one advertising text.

Novelty. The novelty of the obtained results lies in the understanding of the features of the stylistic and syntactic figures and tropes usage potential in the advertising communication of the new media reality as an important tool for countering informational aggression and strengthening national and patriotic motives.

Practical significance. The conducted research makes it possible to use the developed materials when teaching practical courses on advertising creativity, copywriting, and advertising, as well as for use by practising copywriters, creative specialists in advertising, marketing, and PR agencies.

Key words: advertising communication, advertising text, stylistic figures, syntactic figures, tropes, allusion, symbol, metaphor, ellipsis.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2023.1(53).17


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