N. Rula, A. Shulzhenko


Relevance of the study. Today, in the period of psychological and information wars, it is timely to identify pathogenic texts in the mass information actively distributed in the Ukrainian television media space. The purpose of the research is to analyse the pathogenic text as a means of manipulation in the news discourse of Ukrainian national TV channels at the content level.

Methodology. During the research problem-thematic, descriptive-analytical, comparative methods, analysis of Ukrainian scientific works devoted to the problem of pathogenic text, its features, criteria, types, methods of influencing recipients, ways of neutralizing pathogenicity were used; synthesis of received scientific information.

Results. As a result of the analysis of news broadcasts of national TV channels, it was found that signs of pathogenicity can be hidden in the content and form. Dominants of content include direct verbal expression of harmful content and subtext. At this level consciously or unconsciously various tools of manipulative and therefore pathogenic influence are used: the use of myths, stereotypes, historical analogies, labelling, creating contrasts, intimidation, overgeneralization, hints, the last word, etc., which significantly increases the level of pathogenicity of news discourse. Pathogenic texts have a harmful effect on recipients, cause satisfaction or dissatisfaction, mixed emotions; their negative effect is manifested through the development of dependence on a certain person, idea, fear, generation of myths, stereotypes, etc. Pathogenic texts can contribute to the marginalization of society, dull the ability to think critically, and divert attention from important problems.

The scientific novelty of the article lies in the fact that for the first time an attempt was made to systematically analyze the pathogenic text as a means of manipulation in the news discourse of Ukrainian national TV channels («1+1», «Inter», «ICTV») for five years at the content level, the techniques are described influence on the audience.

Practical meaning. The results of the study can be used to develop measures regarding the environmental friendliness of the Ukrainian media space and the development of critical thinking of the viewing audience.

Key words: media, television, pathogenic content, manipulation, level of content.


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